Monday, December 17, 2007

Lifelong learning

As I was listening (and reading along- that's how I learn best!) and reading the post, I realized that I have a lot of these habits - and a lot of the things mentioned, I've learned as an adult. The problem for me is generally finding the TIME to do it! I seem to always have too much on the plate. I think what is most important for me is to set specific and realistic goals.

I might be the last one starting a QL blog - and it really isn't that I've been procrastinating. I open up the weekly memo and say to myself, "this week, I'll start." But then a few projects come in and it gets pushed to the bottom of the "to-do" list.

I've wanted to learn blogging and about podcasting for sometime, so hopefully, I'll stick with it and finish the program...even if I don't make it by 12/23!!!!

1 comment:

Bibliotecaria said...

I also started the blog on December 17th, so you shouldn't feel bad! I just started working for Queens Library in November, and decided that this would be a great learning opportunity. So don't feel bad!