Saturday, December 22, 2007

#16 Windows into Wikis

Browsing through Library Success, I first stumbled onto 3 nonfunctional links (all in distance learning) but then came across Stephen's Web, (by Stephen Downes, who has been blogging since 98) where he has posted his article 9 Rules for Good Technology. He has a few very interesting points. One is, that technology gets simpler and easier to use as time goes on,He gives the analogy of the elevator, that when first invented. He says, "Once so finicky it needed operators to take you from floor to floor, today's elevators function flawlessly with little intervention on the part of the user." Downes argues that new technologies in e-learning are going in that direction, though we aren't there yet. Of course, the article was written in 2000, so I think we are a lot closer now!

I actually have been exposed to wikis a bit in the past as part of a TESOL group I belong to, but never took much time to think about its potential use in my QL life. I think it would be an excellent tool for those of us in the Adult Learner Program to use for conference, training and workshop planning. And that is my new year's resolution #2 - to try it out!!!

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