Sunday, December 23, 2007

#23 Now what do I say?

What a whirlwind learning experience this has been! I started on Monday (December 17th) and here I am at the end of a week on number 23. I won't say finishing, because learning is never done, right?
It may have been an unusual approach to do the project in a week, but for me, it was great. And since I did it entirely outside of work time - other than going to work - this is about all I've done for a week.

What I liked the most was that each activity had both a great introductory activity as well ones to explore more deeply. I also liked going to other QL blogger sites to see what they had to say. As a latecomer, I had lots to choose from.

I liked the fact that for me some things were totally new - image generators, Rollyo and tagging; some I'd heard of and had never gotten around to - blogs, wikis and RSS; and some were a chance to delve more into something I already was familar with - QL digital media, Youtube, podcasting.

How I'd like to see it improve, is perhaps develop a buddy system - it might have been more fun - and I might have started sooner - if I had a partner to talk with. Actually, on Friday, I did mention it to a coworker, and now she got started, so maybe we'll get to interact about it a bit.
But to mesh web activity with face2face would have strengthened it for me.

Along the same lines, to encourage interaction - why not make posting to someone else's QL blog and posting to the QL Learning 2.0 blog a part of the assignments at some point? Or some other kind of participant interaction activity?

Another thing I'd suggest is create a list of places that participants will be creating accounts. The list could be a simple word document that people could download and fill in with their account names and password hints for themself. Because one does have to remember a lot of passwords and I finally developed a system. (I couldn't just use the same one, as what worked
on one site was taken on another.)

I'm glad that we were asked to record our reactions in a blog - as I know there are definitely things I'll want to come back to. I plan to add to this blog as I learn more, but not for a few days - I definitely need a break.

Thanks to the QL Lifelong learning team for setting this up - and also to the Charlotte/Mecklenburg Co. Libraries for creating it and being willing to share such a wonderful idea.

Would I do another program like this? Yes!!!! When can I sign up?